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Intertek Tour Recap

On August 25, 2022, The Architectural Glass Institute joined the Architectural Glass & Metal Association (AGMA) on a tour of the Intertek testing facility in York, Pa. The tour group was comprised of a cross-section of the construction industry and included glazing subcontractors, glazier officials and educators, glazing product manufacturers, and architects. The event included both an AIA accredited lunch and learn and a comprehensive tour of the expansive testing and inspection facilities.

Participants donned hard hats and safety goggles to get an up-close view of Intertek’s verification processes for various construction materials testing. While on tour, participants saw the rigorous execution of tests such as curtain wall waterproofing inspection, which utilized jet engines to simulate hurricane-force wind and water conditions, and fireproofing testing of near endless building materials from roofing to wood studs to glass block. For those who attended the tour, the smell of the fire lab is not something they will soon forget. Participants also toured the acoustical testing labs where Intertek can test both building products and entire assemblies for STC ratings depending on the needs of its clients.

Back in the classroom, attendees learned about additional opportunities for testing, including mobile testing facilities and common façade failures that pre-testing hopes to identify prior to occupancy.

If you were not able to join the tour but are interested in learning more about waterproofing inspection, the Finishing Trades Institute of the Mid Atlantic Region (FTI) has a waterproof testing wall. Every glazier apprentice is required to complete a curtain wall assembly prior to graduation and have that assembly tested for leaks by placing his/her assembly on this water wall. Interested in seeing those simulated hurricane waters and winds in action? Want to build your own assembly to see how your curtain wall would stand up? Come try it out for yourself! Reach out to the AGI at and we would welcome you to join us at FTI.